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Just as we arrive in the foreign land of Guatemala, my Spanish senses start tingling. Little did I know the world of pupusas was awaiting me.


We start ministry in Itzapa and it’s just a casual Wednesday afternoon with people on horseback. We continue on the sidewalk that is near impossible to look up from because the elevation changes within one step. But when I get the chance to look up, my heart is heavy to see dogs on the street being treated like the kids’ personal punching bag. Much more, I’m burdened by the homeless and helpless among the street dogs.

It’s the last leg of our walk to ministry and we make it to an oasis surrounded by murals like reminders of Gods beauty. Through the doors of Colleen and Luis’ home is a safe haven for the kids to just be kids in a culture where they are demanded to uphold the responsibilities of an adult.

Our role has been to get the school ready to showcase the artwork made by the kids.

The Village

We start Tuesdays with visiting people in their homes. Stepping into peoples homes is like stepping into their world. Houses here are more like open buildings. But even when they have little to nothing, they give when at all possible. Their generosity has taught me more deeply about Gods love. Most of all, house visits have taught me to meet people where they’re at.

Then we drive up a hill to get to the school that’s so monstrous that you have to honk when turning corners. Looking out the window is like seeing a glimpse of the lushness of heaven. When we get to the school we’re greeted by a flock of Guatemalan kids and it’s the best greeting committee one could ask for. They have taught me what childlike faith looks like.


Every Thursday we have an activation day where we hear a teaching and put it into practice. This past one was on the hearts of the lost. Let me just say, God broke my heart for the lost. The thought of people going to Hell breaks my heart. Jesus offers heaven as a FREE gift. The depths of His love astounds me. We headed out to Parramos in threes and just had conversations with people about God and prayed for them. I’ve seen God move in such big ways that I’m just grateful that He invites me into His working hand.

Adventure days

On Mondays my team has the day to explore surrounding cities and the markets. The markets are quite overstimulating, I will say. Not to mention the chicken bus is similar to sardines squished in a tin can. But nonetheless it’s an adventure, that’s for sure.


Sundays we have squad church. Then the day is ours to delight in the Lord. The way that He wants to love me is so evident through the people around me and in His creation. In addition to the food. Obviously. I’m nearing expertise in tortilla making. Just once I get the dough to the right consistency… and the edges smooth… and the cooking time down. THEN I’ll be a pro. But for now I’ll delight in my mediocre tortillas. Tune in next week for a tortilla update.

3 responses to “Guatemala: The Series”

  1. Emma, I’m so grateful for this little window into your journey! What a joy it is to see how God is working! Your photos are beautiful. Looking forward to your tortilla update❤️ Love you lots!

  2. You are a gifted writer. It is a joy to read what you are experiencing overseas. I know this experience will
    change your life forever. God used my 3 months on Albania to forever change me. Praying for you!