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  1. This week we went to Florida to restore homes that have been effected by hurricane Ian.

Audrey had told us of how the Lord gave her the name Mary over the summer. Not sure what that meant or what to do with that. But we started work on a home and come to find out the owners name is Mary.

To begin with, this house was a mess at the beginning of the week. Seemingly, a task too big for a group of girls with little construction experience. But who’s qualified to do the work of the Lord anyhow?

Fortunately there was Bill. He was there to not only teach us how to put up dry wall or install trim, but about how to live a life in surrender to the will of God. His life pretty much went from gangster to God. His story convicted me of how much I hold on to in this life. So yeah, I learned about power tools and the power of surrender.

Every day we got back covered in sweat, paint, caulking and debris. But the relationships we formed along the way were well worth it. Little did I know God wanted to bless us beyond that.

It’s not all that often that you get to see the fruit of your labor. Often times you have to trust that the seed was planted and God will water it in His timing. But by the end of the week we were finished with the house and got to see Mary’s reaction. As soon as she walked in the door, she was in tears. Next thing I know, my whole team was in tears.

We got to hear her story and the effect the hurricane had on her life. After praying over the house throughout the week, we find out she’s a women of faith. She kept thanking God, and I’m humbled to know that the glory goes to God. Because truthfully we were only a fraction of many helping hands.

Nonetheless, I’m encouraged to know that our work does not go to waste. 

“Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.“ 1 Corinthians 15:58

8 responses to “Fruit of our Labor”

  1. This made me cry!! (especially that picture!! 🥲❤️) Love this story and what God is doing in you and through you!

  2. Awesome! Praise God! So glad you had this experience and got to help Mary. You made a practical and eternal difference!

  3. This is beautiful. I can sense how deeply moved you were by God and His people through this week. Thank you for writing.

  4. I know I’m like a century late. but I’m so wowed, you’re a beautiful picture of what humble obedience looks like and I’m moved myself by reading these words. praying for you!!

  5. From power tools to the power of surrender…yes!!! I love that. God often works through simple earthly tools and humble, surrendered people to do deep work in our hearts. He is so good!

  6. I cried. You’re growing so much. You’re heart is pure gold and beautiful. So proud of you.